четвъртък, 31 октомври 2013 г.

Find out How to Relieve Eye Stress Naturally

Eye stress affects a large majority of the population. After all, our eyes constantly are at work. Sometimes
our eyes are strained to read fine print, look at a computer screen all day long, avoid bright sunlight, and adjust to harsh indoor lighting. This can lead to some rubbing of the eyes. Don't get carried away with worry. There are simple and natural remedies that will allow our precious peepers to take a rest. Yes, your eyes can rest even when it isn't bedtime.

There are 5 things you can do to give your eyes the much needed rest.

1. Near and far focusing 

Start with simple eye exercises to relieve eye strain. If you are focusing on your computer, try looking at a longer distance to work the different eye muscles. Focus again, but focus this time on something that is right in front of your face. Look near. Look far. Repeat this five times. Take a couple of long blinks, and repeat this once again.

2.  Follow your finger

Try a different distance exercise, and follow your finger. Hold your arm out in front of you, and extend your pointer finger (like the test at the eye doctor office.) This gives your eyes relief, and it strengthens the lenses and muscles at the same time.

3. Dim your lighting

 Harsh indoor office or home lighting can cause eye strain. To relieve the strain off your eyes, dim your lights to a comfortable level. Doing this for only thirty minutes can make a difference.

4. Massage your head

Give yourself a two minute head massage. The scalp is reflexology paradise! Besides relieving stress all over your body, a simple two minute head (and scalp) massage can relieve eye strain and stress.

5. Take a power nap

If all else fails, take a short cat nap. Ten to fifteen minutes of short rest on your eyes will leave you refreshed. You'll wake up ready to see the world in a stress-free light!

Giving your eyes a break will not only make you feel better but also prevent eye degeneration. Our eyes are one of our most important organs, they serve as windows to this amazing world that we live in, therefore it makes so much sense that you take the time to relax and strengthen them. For this purpose I also invite you to read my post - The Ultimate 5 Exercises for Improved Vision

Get the perfect 20/20 vision with the Natural Clear Vision method

Natural Clear Vision is a comprehensive eye care and vision restoration program consisting of several components:

  • The Natural Clear Vision Manual
  • A  Great Instructional Video
  • The Natural Clear Vision Eye Chart
  • The Natural Clear Vision Booster Pack
  • The legendary Dr. Bates' Better Eyesight Without Glasses report
  • The Vision Care Enhancement Suite
  • And one of the most important things- free lifetime monthly updates and support. 

Quite a lot, huh? Obviously, if I want to explain what everything is you'll be reading for a while, so I'll save that for later. The main thing is that you will receive a tested, comprehensive and easy to use method for achieving perfect eyesight in the comfort of your home. A method that you and your loved ones can use without the need of any professional supervision.

And what makes this investment all the more attractive is the 60 day money back guarantee. If for whatever reason you are not happy with the program, you can get a full refund just by sending an e-mail. This means that you have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Do you want to see what all the hype is about? Then click here or on the button below and watch an interesting and educational video presentation made by the creator of the method- Kevin Richardson (spoiler alert: he will tell you how he got from legally blind to perfect 20/20 vision)!

понеделник, 28 октомври 2013 г.

A List of Amazing Eye-Friendly Foods That Will Improve Your Vision

Before your read this post it is a great idea to have a look at the 7 Crucial Nutrients for Better Eyesight in order to understand which nutrients you need and why in more details. Here I will just list them in case you are too lazy to read the other posts.

  • Lutein and Zeaxanthin
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin C
  • Zinc
  • Selenium
  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Now that we've created a solid ground for you to step on, it’s time to move to the nice part- which foods contain these terrific eye-friendly nutrients.

We are going to have 2 categories- foods that contain good amounts of at least 4 nutrients and foods that are the richest in any single nutrient.

First we start off with the all-around best foods for your eyes

Dark Leafy Greens

Out of the 7 nutrients, dark leafy greens are a rich source of 5. They top the list when it comes to Lutein and Zeaxanthin. Leafy greens are also among the richest foods in vitamin A, C, E and Zinc. The leaders of this broad group of vegetables are the kale and the spinach. They contain the most eye-healthy nutrients.

Peppers (includes all types of bell and chili peppers)

Eat more peppers and your eyes will thank you for it! Similarly to the dark leafy greens, they are rich in Lutein and Zeaxanthin, and a great source of the 3 vitamins C, A and E. While the greens are a better source of the two carotenoids, the peppers more than compensate with their abundance of vitamins.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are amazing sources of omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, zinc and vitamin E.
The top sources of omega-3 include flaxseeds, chia seeds and walnuts. Great sources of selenium are Sunflower seeds and Brazil nuts. For an abundance of zinc, you can eat cashew and pumpkin seeds. Vitamin E is found in sunflower seeds, almonds, peanuts and pine nuts. So if you love your eyes and want to improve your eyesight, don’t be nuts and eat your nuts!

Now we turn our soon-to-be-healthy eyes to the other category of foods – the ones that are on top of the list for any single nutrient.

Food Sources of Single Nutrients for Eyes

Some great food sources for eye-healthy vitamins:

  • Let’s begin with Lutein and Zeaxanthin. The number one source of the two carotenoids is Kale with 22-30 mg of Lutein and 11-20 mg of Zeaxanthin per cup. It is followed by turnip greens and spinach. If for some reason you are not into leafy greens, you can get 0.6 mg of Lutein and 2.8-3 mg of Zeaxanthin from corn.
  • Next is Vitamin A. The very best source of vitamin A is turkey liver. A single ounce of it contains around 422% of your recommended daily value! This is 4 times more than the next best thing – sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are followed closely by carrots with 98% of your vitamin A DV.
  • Let’s move on to vitamin E. For this nutrient it’s best to consume nuts and seeds. The richest source is sunflower seeds with 36.3 mg per 100 grams, followed by almonds with 26.2 mg per 100 grams. If you don’t like nuts or are allergic, your best option is to make sure you eat turnip greens, which barely have 2.1 mg per 100 grams (hopefully you can eat nuts).
  • The last vitamin on our eyesight improving nutritional list is Vitamin C. The top source is guava with up to 228 mg per 100 grams. Second best come the red hot chili peppers with 144 mg per 100 grams. And in third place are the red bell peppers packing 128 mg of the valuable nutrient.

Now that we are done with the vitamins, we can move on to the minerals.

  • The absolute masters of zinc are oysters with their 90.8 mg per 100 grams. Following far behind are wheat germ (12.3 mg), pumpkin seeds (10.2 mg) and lamb (7.9 mg).
  • The second mineral in our list is selenium. Once again we have a clear winner – Brazil nuts with their whopping 1912 mcg (micrograms) of the mineral per 100 grams of nuts. This is more than 2700% of your recommended daily needs! Next in the list are pork meat with about 310 mcg per 100 grams and lamb meat with about 220 mcg for the same amount.
  • Last but not least of our eyesight improving nutrients are the omega-3 fatty acids. The richest sources of these healthy fats are oils. Flaxseed oil tops the list with 53 305 mg per 100 grams, followed by salmon oil with 35 131 mg for the same amount. There are also two types seeds that are very rich in omega-3 – obviously the first type are flaxseeds (22 813 mg per 100 grams), the other type are chia seeds (17 552 mg per 100 grams).

This is the list of foods that you have to eat if you want to improve your eyesight. All of these foods are very easy to include in your diet.

I personally have a favorite jam-packed with eye-healthy nutrients salad. You and your eyes will love this one!

It includes smoked oysters, kale, sweet potatoes, red bell peppers and a mix of seeds and nuts (brazil nuts and sunflower seeds normally). This salad basically has all of the nutrients we mentioned earlier.
This is a quick and delicious way to improve your eyesight.

Trust me it’s a fantastic feeling to know that you are taking proper care of one of your most vital organs. Your eyes give you so much joy! It would be a shame to neglect their needs.

Get the perfect 20/20 vision with the Natural Clear Vision method

Natural Clear Vision is a comprehensive eye care and vision restoration program consisting of several components:

  • The Natural Clear Vision Manual
  • A  Great Instructional Video
  • The Natural Clear Vision Eye Chart
  • The Natural Clear Vision Booster Pack
  • The legendary Dr. Bates' Better Eyesight Without Glasses report
  • The Vision Care Enhancement Suite
  • And one of the most important things- free lifetime monthly updates and support. 

Quite a lot, huh? Obviously, if I want to explain what everything is you'll be reading for a while, so I'll save that for later. The main thing is that you will receive a tested, comprehensive and easy to use method for achieving perfect eyesight in the comfort of your home. A method that you and your loved ones can use without the need of any professional supervision.

And what makes this investment all the more attractive is the 60 day money back guarantee. If for whatever reason you are not happy with the program, you can get a full refund just by sending an e-mail. This means that you have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Do you want to see what all the hype is about? Then click here or on the button below and watch an interesting and educational video presentation made by the creator of the method- Kevin Richardson (spoiler alert: he will tell you how he got from legally blind to perfect 20/20 vision)!

7 Crucial Nutrients for Improved Eyesight

I've been thinking recently about all the things people do to protect their health and to improve their
appearance, but how little they do to protect and improve one of the most important functions of their body- their eyesight.

When most people consider their diet, they think of how the food they eat will affect their weight, energy, cardiovascular health, cholesterol and so forth. One thing, however, that most people don’t think about is supplying the proper nutrition for outstanding eye health. Yes vision loss is not inevitable and with the right measures it can be prevented (or at least postponed).

One of these measures is making sure that you get enough of the following 7 nutrients.

Lutein and Zeaxanthin

Lutein and Zeaxanthin are carotenoids that act as sunscreen for your eyes, thus preventing light-induced oxidative damage that leads to macular degeneration.

In addition they are also capable of preventing the formation of cataracts.

These two antioxidants can be found in many fruits and vegetables, and also in the human eye’s macula (I definitely advise you to focus on the first two sources!). The best food sources of Lutein and Zeaxanthin are kale, spinach, paprika, corn, eggs, broccoli, papaya, oranges and others.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is essential for good vision because it protects the surface of the eye.

Studies also show that eye drops containing vitamin A are very effective for dry eyes treatment.
In combination with other antioxidants, Vitamin A, also appears to play a role in decreasing the risk of macular degeneration.

In the landmark Age-Related Eye Disease Study (which the National Eye Institute sponsored), patients at high risk for the disease took a daily multi-vitamin that included vitamin A (as beta carotene), vitamin E, vitamin C, copper, and zinc had a 25%  reduced risk of advanced macular degeneration during a 6-year period.

Another study also showed that people suffering from retinitis pigmentosa (RP) may have a prolonged vision thanks to a combination of Lutein and Vitamin A.

Foods rich on vitamin A are liver, paprika, sweet potatoes, carrots, dark leafy greens and others.

Vitamin E

This vitamin helps guard the membranes of the cells throughout your entire body (including the eyes) against damage caused by the notorious free radicals.

Studies show that taking vitamin E may also act to reduce the development of macular degeneration with around 25%.

A combination of vitamin E and C is also a good way to treat uveitis (an inflammation of the uvea, which is the middle layer). A clinical study of a group of subjects having uveitis found that those who took the vitamins (E and C) had clearer vision than the subjects who took a placebo.

In addition, vitamin E is also thought to help decrease the risk of developing cataracts. Great sources of vitamin E are sunflower seeds, almonds, peanuts, paprika, dried apricots and others.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a very powerful antioxidant and a water-soluble vitamin. It helps the body form and maintain connective tissue and collagen which is found in the cornea of the eye.

Studies show that long-term consumption of vitamin C reduces the risk of vision loss from macular degeneration and forming cataracts.

This vitamin is abundant in fruits and vegetables, the richest among which are red bell peppers, berries, papaya, citrus fruits and broccoli.


High levels of this mineral are found in the macula. One of its main benefits for your eye’s health is that it
enables vitamin A to produce melanin- a pigment known to protect the eye. It also helps the absorption of vitamin E.

Zinc is also used by many of the enzymes that have important eye functions.

Finally, it offers protection from macular degeneration.

Foods with high content of Zinc include oysters, other see-food, wheat germ, pumpkin seeds and my personal favorite chia seeds.


Low levels of Selenium have been shown to lead to a decrease in vision and many other eye diseases like cataract, nyctalopia, retinopathy, and so on.

It is also another mineral that helps the absorption of vitamin E. Sources you can turn to are Brazil nuts, tuna fish, shellfish, beef, poultry and eggs.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

A number of studies show that omega 3 fatty acids can help protect adult eyes from the already mentioned macular degeneration and dry eye syndrome.

Essential fatty acids also decrease the risk of glaucoma and high eye pressure by improving drainage of intraocular fluid from the eye.

A specific type of Omega 3 called DHA may have shown to prevent age-related vision loss in a recent study. A toxic molecule that accumulates in the retina of the eye with age did not do so in tests of lab mice that received DHA supplements. This toxin’s build up, that normally would cause vision loss, was seemed to be fully prevented by the DHA. This omega 3 fatty acid is found in fish such as sardines, mackerel, and salmon.

Other great sources of omega 3 include chia seeds, flax seeds, walnuts and sea food.

This concludes my list of the 7 nutrients that improve eyesight. Taking proper care of our eyes is one of the most important and most underestimated health issues. Really, being fit and energetic is great, but being able to see properly is absolutely vital!

Also read A List of Amazing Eye-Friendly Foods That Will Improve Your Vision

Get the perfect 20/20 vision with the Natural Clear Vision method

Natural Clear Vision is a comprehensive eye care and vision restoration program consisting of several components:

  • The Natural Clear Vision Manual
  • A  Great Instructional Video
  • The Natural Clear Vision Eye Chart
  • The Natural Clear Vision Booster Pack
  • The legendary Dr. Bates' Better Eyesight Without Glasses report
  • The Vision Care Enhancement Suite
  • And one of the most important things- free lifetime monthly updates and support. 
Quite a lot, huh? Obviously, if I want to explain what everything is you'll be reading for a while, so I'll save that for later. The main thing is that you will receive a tested, comprehensive and easy to use method for achieving perfect eyesight in the comfort of your home. A method that you and your loved ones can use without the need of any professional supervision.

And what makes this investment all the more attractive is the 60 day money back guarantee. If for whatever reason you are not happy with the program, you can get a full refund just by sending an e-mail. This means that you have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Do you want to see what all the hype is about? Then click here or on the button below and watch an interesting and educational video presentation made by the creator of the method- Kevin Richardson (spoiler alert: he will tell you how he got from legally blind to perfect 20/20 vision)!

Good luck and SEE you later ;)

The Ultimate 5 Exercises for Improved Vision

Nowadays being an optician is better than ever. This is because the amount of people needing glasses and
contact lenses has skyrocketed thanks to the excessive use of PCs and the variety of strains introduced to our eyes on a daily basis. Furthermore, people seem to totally neglect taking care of their eyes as if having imperfect vision and wearing glasses is something normal and unavoidable. Well it actually isn't.

There are a variety of natural measures that can be taken to prevent or treat the loss of eyesight. Using your eyes the way they are meant to be used is just the starting point (I will discuss this in a later post). You can also eat an eye-healthy diet  since there are quite a few nutrients that are crucial for your vision. Additionally, you can do something even more effective- exercise your eyes.

Yes there are exercises that can improve your eyesight just like exercising a certain muscle in the gym can improve its condition. Actually, your vision is indeed dependent on the muscles in your eyes. These muscles are called the ciliary muscles and are responsible for your ability to focus on near and far objects. The tricky part is that these muscles need to be not only strong, but perfectly balanced. For example, if the muscles responsible for focusing on near objects are stronger than the ones focusing on distant, you will have nearsightedness also known as myopia.

One more point I would like to mention before getting to the exercises is that when you start using glasses your problems will only get deeper. Just think about it. If your legs are weak would it make more sense to exercise them so that they get stronger, or you would jump in a wheelchair and let them get weaker and weaker over time? Glasses to your eyes are like a wheelchair to your legs.

The exercises you will find on this list consist of flexing and relaxing your eyes, focusing on different objects and performing a variety of stimulations of your eye’s muscles. So without further ado here is the list of 5 exercises that improve your vision.

The Exercises

First I would like to start with an eye relaxation technique that you need to perform before and after your workout routine, and at any moment you feel you are putting your eyes under strain.

This technique is called Palming

Palming will allow your optic nerve and the muscles of your eyes to relax by blocking all outside stimulus.

You start off by rubbing your palms to warm them up a little. Afterwards, place your hands over your eyes so that your palms are covering them and your fingers are touching your forehead. Make sure that no light reaches your eyes and then close them. Don’t apply any pressure on them (to do this place your palms in a cup-like shape).

Hold this position for 3-5 minutes. During that time take deep diaphragmatic breaths as if you are meditating. Focus on your breathing and imagine complete darkness.

The first real exercise that I will introduce is the figure eight exercise.

It is simple and convenient but it has great benefits. It greatly improves your eye muscles’ flexibility and endurance.

After relaxing your eyes by palming sit 10 feet away from a wall. Now imagine a huge figure of the number 8 on the wall. Next, turn the figure on its side, resembling the symbol for infinity ∞.

Next, you need to trace the number slowly with both eyes. After doing it one direction for 2-3 minutes do it in the other for exactly the same time (remember - balance is key).

Forget about any feeling of awkwardness in the beginning and stick with it, the reward is worth it.

Near and far focusing

This is a great exercise that will improve on the ability of your eye the rapidly change its focus from a subject that is near to a subject that is far away from you.

First, make sure there is an object 10 or 20 feet away from you. Now get into a comfortable position so that this object is to your front. Sitting, standing it doesn't matter as long as you feel comfortable.
exercising eye

Next, stretch one of your arms out in front of you in a “thumbs-up” position. Put your thumb about 10 inches in front of you and focus on it.

Now focus on your thumb and start breathing deeply and diaphragmatically. With every breath switch your focus from your thumb to the object that is 10 to 20 feet away from you and back.

Once you get used to doing this exercise you will find that you can focus really fast without having to squint for a few seconds. Come to think of it, this skill alone can potentially save your life! On some very weird instances at least.

Zoom in Zoom Out

This is another exercise that helps improve your ability to focus on near and far objects. It is one of my favorites because you can really feel your eyes working hard and improving.

Once again start by sitting or standing comfortably. Now just like in the near and far focusing exercise stretch your arm and hold your thumb up.

This time however, your arm won’t be static. Instead once you focus on your thumb, start bringing it slowly to your face without losing your focus.

Once it gets to around 3 inches (or to the point where you can’t focus anymore) from your eyes start stretching your arm out again.

Do this for 3 to 5 minutes depending on what feels right to you.

Side to side, up, down and rotation 

Imagine the face of a clock on the wall in front of you. Now start by moving your eyes from one side of the clock to the other i.e. from 3 to 9 a clock and back. Do this up to 20 times.

After you finished the side to side movements, start moving your eyes up and down i.e. from 6 to 12 and back. Do this 20 times. Don’t forget to breathe deeply during all of the exercises.

After you are finished, rest for 20 seconds and start rotating your eyes around the clock for 20 “laps” clockwise. When you are done with these laps, do 20 more counter-clockwise.

This exercise is one of the hardest and you can use it to finish off your routine.

After you are finished relax your eyes with palming for a few minutes.

Always finish up either with palming or another eye relaxation technique (I promise to introduce a few in a later post).

I hope that this post will lead you to a new attitude towards your eyes and how to take care of them. Your eyes give you so much joy and help you attain so much knowledge that it is a shame if you don’t return the favor. And trust me you don’t do that by putting on the glasses. You can do that by using them correctly, giving them a chance to relax, eating the proper foods that are rich in nutrients that are good for your eyes, and of course by exercising them regularly.

Get the perfect 20/20 vision with the Natural Clear Vision method

Natural Clear Vision is a comprehensive eye care and vision restoration program consisting of several components:

  • The Natural Clear Vision Manual
  • A  Great Instructional Video
  • The Natural Clear Vision Eye Chart
  • The Natural Clear Vision Booster Pack
  • The legendary Dr. Bates' Better Eyesight Without Glasses report
  • The Vision Care Enhancement Suite
  • And one of the most important things- free lifetime monthly updates and support. 

Quite a lot, huh? Obviously, if I want to explain what everything is you'll be reading for a while, so I'll save that for later. The main thing is that you will receive a tested, comprehensive and easy to use method for achieving perfect eyesight in the comfort of your home. A method that you and your loved ones can use without the need of any professional supervision.

And what makes this investment all the more attractive is the 60 day money back guarantee. If for whatever reason you are not happy with the program, you can get a full refund just by sending an e-mail. This means that you have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Do you want to see what all the hype is about? Then click here or on the button below and watch an interesting and educational video presentation made by the creator of the method- Kevin Richardson (spoiler alert: he will tell you how he got from legally blind to perfect 20/20 vision)!